Industrial flooring systems
Industrial flooring systems
The work area should be closed, sun and wind protected. Outdoor application is not recommended. The contractor will be responsible for all problems arising from improper circumstances. Subtract can be a monolith concrete slab, screed floor or levelled surface.
The supporting surface must be at least of 14 days, of 1,5 MPa of tensile strength and of 25 MPa of compressive strength. The temperature should be between +5 and 25 °C. If you use some self levelling product to make the supporting surface, you have to finish it at least 48 hours before applying DUROCHAPE, and the surface must be roughened with a broom. The self levelling product must be of 25 N/mm² of compressive strength. The surface must be clean, free from any material that can reduce bonding. Old and contaminated surfaces must be prepared with blasting, grinding or milling. The slopes should be created on the base surface.
The surface must be clean and oil free. Before application the surface should be rinsed with water so that pores can be filled with water. When applying the bonding agent, the surface must be wet, but be free of water spots.
DUROCHAPE floor system consists of 3 components: “A” component: polyacryl artificial resin emulsion, “B” component: cement with pigments and additives. “C” component: quartz To make one portion of bonding agent you will need 8 liters of A component and 30 kg (one bag) of B component. Mixing should be made until having homogeneous slurry. This quantity is for about 30 m². Bonding agent should be poured on to the surface and be broomed evenly with a brush. The consistency of the bonding agent is appropriate, if it is not liquid, and traces of the broom remain on it. Important: DUROCHAPE mortar can be spreaded only on wet bonding agent, so you should apply bonding agent on a surface that will not dry until DUROCHAPE spreading.
Use a mixing machine or cement mixer to prepare the DUROCHAPE mortar. Pay attention so that the mortar should be homogenous.
Preparing DUROCHAPE mortar: 6 liters of A component + 30 kg B component + 50 kg C component. This quantity is enough for 3 m², in 1 cm thickness. First make a dilute mixture and gradually add to it the bagged material. Mixing time is 2-3 minutes. The mixture is appropriate when thick, dry mass is obtained, that will not stick to the hand. DUROCHAPE mortar is of very dry consistence. To handle it more easily, you can add to it some water, but please note that adding water will reduce the compressive strength.
Important: If you add any water to the mixtures, you should add the same quantity every time to assure a homogenous color of the floor. DUROCHAPE mortar should be spreaded evenly on the wet bonding agent. You can use a guiding bar or guiding strip to adjust the level the surface. Levelling should be made by a screed bar. After levelling trowelling is recommended to achieve appropriate compacting and homogenous surface. Final finishing can be made by power trowel machine or by hand. The finishing brings out the finer particles mortar, so close to the surface. Then it can be manually smoothed again to get a more uniform surface. If the power trowel is not available, the entire process can be done manually. In this case, the work process is slower.
Depending on the application method 50-100 m² of DUROCHAPE floor can be made per day.
Important: During the manual or mechanical smoothing of the surface can be wetted, but only with the A component. Moistening with water may cause staining. During the first 48 hours, the substrate must not exposed to any kind of liquid, as this may cause staining.
Download Durochape installation guide