Industrial flooring systems
Industrial flooring systems
The maintenance of surface hardener treated floors is a really important task, since improper use or cleaning can cause critical damages on the surface of the floor.
The dry-shake hardener treated industrial floors can be utilized for pedestrian traffic after 2 days, for light duty traffic after 7 days and for heavy-duty traffic after 28 days of its installation. On most occasions after the floor installation, other industrial jobs are carried out. It is important that during this period the floor is protected against surface impurities, damages such as paint, lime, plaster, and chemicals. It is advisable to cover the floor with plastic covers or geo-textile until the official delivery. The geo-textile also provides protection against damages caused by accidentally falling tools.
The dry-shake hardener treated industrial floors require regular cleaning and maintenance after the surface is fully installed. The drying period of the surface can take weeks or months after delivery, creating optically a smudgy effect. This is not the fault of the installation it is just an aesthetic problem. The installing companies sprinkle curing liquid on the floor, in order to ensure proper hydration for concrete surfaces. The curing liquid after the hydration period is not necessary anymore. The curing liquid layer will fade away after the floor is being used. During this process, some parts of the floor will fade, while the least frequently used areas will have the curing liquid fade slower.
In case of large surface it can occur that the curing liquid wears off quickly because of the suddenly appearing traffic after the first time use. This causes temporary but intense dust formation. This phenomenon can be prevented if the film of the curing liquid is removed by a cleaning using a special cleaning agent before the official delivery.
Please contact us for further information. As a result of continuous daily use and regular cleaning the surface will become homogeneous and slightly shiny.
The cement-based abrasive layer of the dry-shake hardener treated industrial floors is oil and grease resistant. This means that if the oil and grease impurities remain on the surface for 12-24 hours, they will create smudges, but the parameters and consistency of the
floor will remain the same and undamaged. Smudging caused by such impurities can be avoided by daily surface cleaning.
During floor cleaning, the use of acid or alkaline detergents must be extensively avoided (e.g. Domestos, Bleach etc.). These chemicals can severely damage the abrasive layer of the surface. The damage to the abrasive layer (top layer) can increase dust levels and could make the shiny surface a really matte one.
As a result of the regular use and daily cleaning, the dryshake hardener treated industrial floors will become more homogeneous in color and slightly shinier over time. On dry-shake hardener treated floors use only neutral (or close to neutral) detergents for cleaning purposes and such cleaning machine, which has nonabrasive disc. The cleaning of such floors should be ordered from specialized companies.
Because of missing the daily regular cleaning, certain spots, contaminations can appear on the surface every 4-6 months that make the maintenance and renewal necessary. During these occasions, the specialist service provider companies will perfectly remove all impurities and they also treat the surface with impregnating materials. There are such impregnating materials in existence, which can provide even permanent solutions to substitute the annual maintenance tasks. Please contact us for suggestions regarding your daily cleaning and
Download: Maintenance guide